人在衣中晃的既视感 自带轻盈灵动的感觉!
显瘦、气质、简约、高级、还能完美防晒 抵御紫外线!
高级棉混纺面料 肌理感条纹设计 质感无敌好🎧
整件是宽松廓形的剪裁 松量非常足 版型大气!
Product details:
Material: Cotton blend
Colour: White
Size: Free Size
Elasticity: None | Slight | Stretchy
Measurement: Taken laid flat.
Physical photos: All flat lay pictures are physically captured.
Model Details:
Tiffany | Height 158cm | Weight 40kg | Bust 75cm | Waist 62cm | Hips 88cm | Wearing FS
Kyle Blouse Top|White
Valentine's Sale
Free Size: Shoulder 46cm; Bust 103cm; Length 72cm; Arm 52cm
🔔 There can be slight differences (about 1cm-3cm) for the measurement given due to the different stretchable quality of the material. Please feel free to dm us through Instagram if you have any specific questions.