新中式正肩T | 酒红色🔗
这款我真的彻底爱上了!酒红色真的好气质 巨显白的颜色🥹
面料采用的是莫代尔棉质 偏薄不过穿上真的超级舒适!
弹性非常大 适合S - L的仙女穿~
搭配牛仔 包臀裙 西装裤 都特别好看~
Product details:
Material: Modal Cotton
Colour: Maroon
Size: Free Size
Elasticity: None | Slight | Stretchy
Measurement: Taken laid flat.
Physical photos: All flat lay pictures are physically captured.
Model Details:
Kiwi | Height 153cm | Weight 40kg | Bust 76cm | Waist 58cm | Hips 84cm | Wearing FS
Ruth Maroon Top
Free Size: Shoulder 40cm; Bust 72-100cm; Length 42cm
🔔 There can be slight differences (about 1cm-3cm) for the measurement given due to the different stretchable quality of the material. Please feel free to dm us through Instagram if you have any specific questions.